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All About Rounding Up

Let’s not waste any time in starting this off with a simple question – is round up investing the right choice for you?

We’ll break this down. Round up investing with Deciml is a great way for you to regularly invest if – 

    1. You make regular online transactions.
    2. Yep. That’s it.

If you are spending through online transactions, then round-up investing is a great way to ‘invest as you go’! Going to spend ₹127? Spend ₹3 more toward your investment journey.

It is that simple. It is an easy and automated process in which any transaction of yours is rounded up to the limit of your choosing, and bam! – you’re an investor! It doesn’t matter if you have been investing for a while, are a veteran, or are an investment newbie looking to be responsible with your paycheck – round up investing is a good way to be disciplined and invest every time you spend (it really helps with the post-shopping spree guilt too!).


But how does round-up investing with Deciml work?

Once you have set up autopay with Deciml, you can select what multiple of 10 you want to round up to, which can be anything from ₹10 to ₹100. And that’s all. Now for every transaction, your spending will be rounded up to your chosen limit, and the round-up amount will get invested on your behalf.

Let’s take a better look at what we mean by Deciml Round-Up Limit by taking a look at this table with the 10 different Round-Up limits – 

Amount SpentRound-Up LimitRound-Up AmountRound-Up Investment

When we say your transaction will be rounded up, it will be to the next multiple of your limit.

The Wrong Assumption – You might think that if you spend ₹131, and your Round-Up limit is 20, then you will invest ₹19 more and have a total spend of ₹150. 

The Correct Calculation – But in fact, for a ₹131 spend the next multiple of 20 is 140, so the difference, i.e., ₹9 will be invested for you.

It might look a bit confusing, but thankfully – you don’t need to do all of these calculations. Deciml does it all, and that too – automatically!

While we let you mull over this, we’ll quickly address one last question that we have heard from some of our users:

If my transaction amount is a round figure, will nothing get invested?

Let’s say your Deciml Round-Up Limit is ₹10, and you’ve spent exactly ₹130 – in that case, the whole ₹10 will be invested in that transaction. Let’s go back to the table with 10 different Round-Up Limits, this time with ‘Amount Spent’ already being a round number – 

Amount SpentRound-Up LimitRound-Up AmountRound-Up Investment

So do not worry if your transaction is a round number – it simply means that then your investment will also be a round number! 

Feeling a little more confident in your understanding of Round-Up investing with Deciml? If you’re not there yet, the only thing left to do is for you to try it out now!

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