"Deciml is a way of life that'll help youngsters sort their finances."
Raj Shamani
Content Creator & Founder,
House of X
You just continue spending on the things you love – Deciml app (not Decimal!) will automatically round up all online transactions, and invest the difference in a fund of your choice.
You just continue spending on the things you love
Deciml app (not Decimal!) will automatically round up all online transactions, and invest the difference in a fund of your choice.
So why is it better to invest your spare change with Deciml,
than leaving it as is in your bank account?
Better returns, of course!
With Deciml, you can choose between 2 Mutual Funds to
grow your money everyday.
So why is it better to invest your
spare change with Deciml,
than leaving it as is in your bank account? Better returns, of course!
With Deciml, you can choose between 2 Mutual Funds to
grow your money everyday.
Round-Ups with Deciml enable you to invest spare change, every time you spend via any online payment mode.
So if you swipe your card for a ₹237 payment at dinner, Deciml will round up & invest ₹3 - making your total debit ₹240!
Set up Deciml Daily Deposits to automatically invest an amount of your choice, every day.
You can choose an amount as little as ₹10, and as much as ₹500.
Gift from grandma? Or a surprise bonus? Add to your investments any time you want to boost the growth of your money.
You can make a lump-sum investment of as little as ₹100.
"Deciml is a way of life that'll help youngsters sort their finances."
Content Creator & Founder,
House of X
"Amazing how much I've invested just through spare change!"
Brand Strategist
"Deciml is exactly what we need to have more young Indian investors."
YouTuber & Founder, Beer Biceps
"Support is prompt and my money is growing - super happy!"
Branding Executive
"Investments and withdrawals both happen super efficiently."
Tech Executive
Deciml rounds up your online transactions and invests the difference.
Say you order a sandwich for lunch and pay ₹249 for it via Gpay. Deciml automatically rounds up this transaction to the next multiple of 10 i.e. 250 and invests the difference of ₹1 in a fund of your choice.
You can choose to round up your online transactions to the nearest 10 or a multiple of 10.
You can set up Deciml and start investing in 2 simple steps:
Step 1: Account set-up :
Verify PAN and/or Aadhar
Add nominee details and bank details
And that’s it!
Step 2: Start auto-invest
Choose a UPI app to set up autopay with
Accept the autopay request received on said UPI app
And that’s it!
Your activation is complete and your automatic investments will start immediately. All investments thereafter will be debited every alternate day.
With Deciml Daily Deposits, you can invest a small (or large) amount of your choice, every day automatically!
To set up Daily Deposit, simply tap on the ‘Invest More’ button on your dashboard and edit Daily Deposit. You can set it to as low as ₹10, and as high as ₹500.
P.S.: the ‘Invest More’ button only appears after you’ve completed activation!
There are 3 ways you can invest more with Deciml:
1. Round-up
By default, you are rounding up to ₹10 on Deciml. To increase this limit, just
tap on the ‘Invest More’ button on your main dashboard and edit this value.
Not sure how this works? There’s an interactive round-up calculator to help with
2. Daily Deposit
With Deciml Daily Deposit, you can invest an amount of your choice - everyday,
To set this up, simply tap on the ‘Invest More’ button on the dashboard and edit
Daily Deposit. You can set it to as low as ₹10, and as high as ₹500.
3. Lump-sum
Stumbled upon some extra money? Invest it before you spend it!
You can make a one-time lump-sum investment of as little as ₹100 (and as large as
you want) on Deciml, any time you want.
You can play around with that big dial on your main app screen! (It’s called Sprint.)
If you’ve completed activation and started investing:
The amount you see inside the dial is your investment on Deciml so far. Just drag the dot on the dial to see how much that investment can grow in up to 10 years, if you continue investing at the same rate.
If you’re yet to complete activation (we really think you should):
The amount you see inside the dial is your to-be 1st investment on Deciml. Drag the dot to see how much this amount can grow in up to 10 years at the current investment rate.
Just tap on the ‘Invest More’ button on your dashboard → tap on ‘Lump-Sum’ → select or enter the amount you wish to invest (Min. investment amount: ₹100, Max. investment amount: as much as you want!).
Deciml is an investment app, and not a payment gateway.
You can continue using your preferred payment apps and gateways, and Deciml will automatically round-up and invest your digital spare change!
You can choose from the following to invest and grow your money in:
1. Lendbox (Keep It Steady)
Lendbox is a secure platform that diversifies investments across verified
creditworthy borrowers.
Investing in Lendbox can earn you up to 10% returns per annum.
2. Navi Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth (Balance It Out)
Regular Mutual Fund with a lower expense ratio thereby offering higher returns. This fund has shown 15.88% growth over the past 3 years as on 24th June 2023.
3. Navi Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund - Growth (Take A Leap)
Regular Mutual Fund that invests in multiple established industry leaders.This fund
has shown 25.44% growth over the past 3 years as on 24th June 2023
Whichever fund you choose - you can invest as little as ₹10, and withdraw anytime
without charge.
You make an online spend → you receive a transaction SMS → Deciml instantly picks up this exact spent amount → automatically rounds up the amount to the nearest 10 → the spare change gets invested in a fund of your choice!
Example: Say you ordered groceries online → paid ₹430 for it via your UPI app → received a ₹430 spend confirmation SMS from your bank → Deciml picks up this spent amount → we automatically round up to the nearest 10, which is 440 in this case → the spare change amount of ₹10 gets invested!
You keep spending like you would, Deciml takes care of everything investing 🙂
You can pause your Deciml account any time you want (although we recommend you don’t, and instead keep growing your money!)
If you still wish to pause, tap on the menu icon in the top right corner of your Deciml dashboard → tap on ‘Settings’ → tap on ‘Pause Account’.
Please note that any in-progress investments will still be completed, even if you pause your account.
Deactivating your account means you lose complete access to Deciml. Deactivating will:
1. Pause your autopay and stop all investments at once.
2. Opt you out of all communication from us.
If for any reason your investments need a break, we suggest that you simply pause your account instead of deactivating.
Please note that pausing or deactivating will not cancel any in-progress investments.
You can choose from the following to invest and grow your money in:
Lendbox (Keep It Steady)
Lendbox is a secure platform that diversifies investments across verified creditworthy borrowers.
Investing in Lendbox can earn you up to 10% returns per annum.
Navi Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth (Balance It Out)
Regular Mutual Fund with a lower expense ratio thereby offering higher returns. This fund has shown 15.88% growth over the past 3 years as on 24th June 2023.
Navi Large & Mid Cap Equity Fund - Growth (Take A Leap)
Regular Mutual Fund that invests in multiple established industry leaders.This fund has shown 25.44% growth over the past 3 years as on 24th June 2023
Whichever fund you choose - you can invest as little as ₹10, and withdraw anytime without charge.
You know how you and your friends share OTT subscriptions - no one individually has to pay for all, yet everyone gets to enjoy each channel? Mutual Funds are kinda like that.
You and many many other individuals pool their money, and the final big chunk is invested across various assets by the mutual fund manager. The returns too are split accordingly.
With Deciml, you can choose from 2 Mutual Fund options to invest in:
Option 01: Navi Large Cap Equity Fund - Growth
Option 02: Navi Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth
You can invest in only 1 fund at a time on Deciml.
However, you can switch your preferred fund any time you want and your investments in every fund will be secure and available to withdraw anytime.
You can change your preferred fund anytime you want.
Just tap on the menu curtain on your dashboard → tap on ‘Investment Preference’ → choose the fund you wish to invest in.
Please note:
1. Your existing investment will not be automatically switched to your new fund preference. If you want to switch your current investments to your new fund, you can withdraw that amount and make a lump-sum investment in the new fund. Alternatively, you can let the money grow in the existing fund as is - it will be secure and available to you at all times.
2. Any in-progress investments will continue to be invested in your current fund of choice, the new fund choice will only be applicable to future investments.
3. When changing your preferred fund from a Mutual Fund to Lendbox, or vice versa - you will be required to reset your autopay (but it’s a super quick and easy step so don’t worry!). If you’re switching between the 2 Mutual Funds, no resetting will be required.
For Mutual Funds:
Returns are subject to the performance of your chosen fund as per market fluctuations, and get updated every business day.
For Lendbox:
Returns are calculated on the basis of up to 10% returns per annum.
NAV = Net Asset Value.
It is the price of a single Mutual Fund unit.
If your investment gets debited before 12 PM, you get allotted the same-day NAV. If not, you get the NAV for the next day.
If your investment gets debited on a weekend or a bank holiday, your investment gets allotted the NAV of the next working day.
NAV = Net Asset Value.
It is the price of a single Mutual Fund unit.
If your investment gets debited before 12 PM, you get allotted the same-day NAV. If not, you get the NAV for the next day.
If your investment gets debited on a weekend or a bank holiday, your investment gets allotted the NAV of the next working day.
There are tax implications only upon withdrawal, but they are subject to your annual income.
Since this varies for each individual, we recommend that you consult your CA for an accurate calculation of your tax implication.
You can set up Deciml and start investing in 2 simple steps:
Step 1: Account set-up
Verify PAN and/or Aadhar
Add nominee details and bank details
And that’s it!
Step 2: Start auto-invest
Choose a UPI app to set up autopay with
Accept the autopay request received on said UPI app
And that’s it!
Your activation is complete and your automatic investments will start immediately. All investments thereafter will be debited every alternate day.
Entering and verifying PAN and/or Aadhar ensures that your information is always secure and that your money is accessible to you and only you.
This process is also known as KYC (Know Your Customer) and has been mandated by SEBI to ensure the Indian investor’s security.
If you can't remember your PAN, you can also complete account setup with your Aadhaar. One of the two is required to complete setup.
If you don't have a PAN at all, you cannot start investing yet. PAN verification is mandated by SEBI in order to become an Indian investor.
Deciml requests view-only SMS permission to be able to automatically pick up the exact transaction amount and round it up.
Only transaction SMS are viewed by Deciml, and no other text message is read.
Please contact us directly to know if and how you can change your registered phone number.