Nothing feels as good as retail therapy. And when Diwali is around the corner, you don’t really even need an excuse — you spend in the name of Diwali shopping!
Those who have experienced the wonders of the aforementioned retail therapy (read: Diwali shopping!) will swear that nothing feels as good as going into a mall and walking out with a bunch of shopping bags filled with… self-indulgence!
Now, self-indulgence is 99.99% of pure bliss, and unfortunately, 0.01% of pure guilt! After the adrenaline from a fresh purchase wears out, and you come down from the Diwali shopping high, you might find yourself wondering — Is this how I want to spend my hard-earned money? Could I do something to save more? What about the vacation I was trying to save money for? And most importantly — could I be using my money to make better investments than a shopping spree?
Well, we at Deciml, are here to tell you that you can do all of it — shop, save more, AND make investments — all at once.
Round-Up Investing with Deciml
Think about all the shopping you do in a day, a week, or a month. From groceries to retail therapy — that’s a wide spectrum. Come Diwali shopping, these expenses become a bit more exorbitant as well. You order from Zomato and Dunzo snacks for a party. Sometimes you’re scrolling Myntra and you find a pair of shoes that you absolutely must have, and other times you’re shopping for friends, family, and even your furry little four-legged friends. In addition to shopping for necessities, luxuries, and experiences, you are also shopping for new clothes, gifts, and even delectable chocolates and confectionaries when you are drawing up your Diwali shopping list.
And with each ‘ka-ching’ at the checkout counter, the guilt rakes up a little bit more.
With Deciml’s Round-Up Investing, you can eradicate this guilt entirely, and enjoy the true spirit of Diwali!
Here’s how it usually works — You walk into a store — pick up that travel backpack you’ve been saving up for — head to the checkout counter — see the total bill — feel a little ill — pull out your phone nonetheless — pay ₹2,990 — walk out exhilarated, but with that niggling guilt that reminds you, “you could have used this money to develop your financial portfolio.”
Now, here’s how it works with Deciml — You walk into a store — pick up that travel backpack you’ve been saving up for — head to the checkout counter — see the total bill — feel a little ill — pull out your phone nonetheless — pay ₹2,990 — auto-invest ₹10 — walk out with zero guilt and pure happiness, with no voice in your head questioning your purchase history!
The way Round-Up Investing with Deciml works is this — any online transaction you carry out, we round it up to the nearest 10 and invest the difference for you. So, if you are spending ₹227, then Deciml will round it up to ₹300 and instantly invest the ₹3 on your behalf.
Yep, it’s actually that simple.
We are big believers that time, and not the quantity of investing is what eventually brings in good returns. Even if you are consistently investing your spare change, you will realize a week, a month, or even a year from now, that just those small amounts have accumulated over time, you have created a decent investment portfolio for yourself, and are able to save more as well.
Not only does round-up investing lessen the guilt of being a shopaholic, but it also keeps you motivated to keep investing regularly — something we want all our investors to do! So, each and every shopping spree you go on can be more than just that — it can be an opportunity to save more with every expense you incur. Round-Up Investing is an advantageous way to make sure that even when you are not investing huge amounts at once, the smaller sums from your routine transactions are gradually collecting and you are earning compounding interest on them from the get-go!
So, as soon as you start spending this Diwali, start to save more as you invest with Deciml.
Happy shopping!