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Investment Strategies for Mutual Funds: Building a Diversified Portfolio

Choosing the right mutual fund is like finding the piece that perfectly fits into your financial picture puzzle. Just like a puzzle is made up of pieces of various shapes and colors, each mutual fund comes with its own characteristics, such as risk level, investment strategy, and historical performance.

Hence, you would have to search for that precise puzzle piece that seamlessly aligns with your goals, completing the overall picture of a well-balanced investment portfolio.

Sounds like a daunting process?

Don’t worry! In this step-by-step guide, we answer the most commonly asked question- ‘How to choose mutual funds’ which will make the whole process an ‘easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy’ ride. 

So without wasting time, let’s dive into it!

Step 1: Define Your Investment Goals

Before choosing mutual funds, it’s important to define your investment goals. Are you investing for short-term gains or long-term wealth accumulation? Are you saving for a specific goal, such as buying a bike or funding a vacation? Or are you investing for long-term wealth accumulation, such as retirement planning or buying a house? Identifying your goals will help you align your mutual fund investments accordingly.

By clearly identifying your objectives, you can align your mutual fund investments accordingly.

Step 2: Assess Your Risk Tolerance

Assessing your risk tolerance in mutual funds is an important step especially for young investors. It involves understanding how much uncertainty or volatility you can handle when it comes to your investments. Some big Indian investors are willing to take on more risk in exchange for potentially higher returns, while others prefer a more conservative approach.

To assess your risk tolerance, consider factors such as your age, financial situation, investment knowledge, and investment goals.

Young investors with a longer investment horizon can generally afford to take more risk. On the other hand, if you have a lower risk appetite, you may prefer funds that prioritize capital preservation.

Remember, there is no right or wrong risk tolerance level—it’s a personal decision.

Step 3: Determine the Investment Horizon

Having a clear investment horizon is crucial when choosing mutual funds. The investment horizon refers to the length of time you plan to stay invested before needing the funds for your goal. It could be short term (1-3 years), medium term (3-5 years), or long term (5 years or more).

For short-term goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house in the next two years, it’s generally recommended to invest in funds with lower volatility, such as debt funds or conservative hybrid funds. These funds aim to preserve capital and provide stable returns.

On the other hand, for long-term goals like retirement planning, you can consider funds that have a higher exposure to equities and have the potential for growth. Equities tend to generate higher returns over the long run, although they are more volatile in the short term.

It’s important to note that when it comes to investing in mutual funds, time is greater than timing. The longer you stay invested, the better your chances of riding out market fluctuations and benefiting from compounding returns. 

Step 4: Research and Shortlist Funds

Once you have clarity on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon, it’s time to research and choose mutual funds that align with your requirements.

Start by studying the historical performance of the funds you are interested in. Look for consistent performers that have delivered good returns over different market cycles. However, keep in mind that past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

If you are wondering how to choose best mutual fund scheme, here are some of the factors you can consider-

Expense Ratio-

Mutual funds have expenses associated with managing the fund, which are reflected in the expense ratio. It’s important to consider the expense ratio when selecting funds because it directly impacts your investment returns.

However, it’s equally crucial to consider the expense ratio in the context of the fund’s performance and other factors.

Experience of the fund manager-

Examine the fund manager’s experience and track record. A skilled and experienced fund manager can make a significant difference in a fund’s performance. Look for fund managers who have demonstrated their ability to navigate different market conditions and deliver consistent results.

Investment Philosophy and Approach-

Take some time to evaluate the fund’s investment philosophy and approach. Some funds may focus on value investing, while others may have a growth-oriented strategy. Choose a fund whose investment philosophy aligns with your own investment style and beliefs.

This step requires your time and effort, but it’s worth it to make informed investment decisions.

Step 5: Analyze Fund Performance

While past performance is not a guarantee of future results, analyzing a fund’s historical performance can provide valuable insights. Compare the fund’s performance with its benchmark index and similar funds in the category.

For example, if you are considering an equity fund that invests in large-cap stocks, you can compare its performance with the benchmark index for large-cap stocks, such as the Nifty 50 or the BSE Sensex.

It’s important to consider performance over different time frames to assess a fund’s consistency and ability to generate returns across market cycles.

However, don’t rely solely on past performance. Use it as one of the factors in your decision-making process.

Step 6: Evaluate Fund Composition and Strategy 

Understanding the fund’s investment strategy and composition is crucial. Look at the sectors or asset classes the fund focuses on and evaluate whether they align with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Diversification is an important aspect to consider. A well-diversified fund spreads its investments across different sectors, industries, and securities, reducing the risk of being too concentrated in a single area. It can help minimize the impact of any specific investment’s poor performance on the overall fund.

Evaluate whether the fund’s investment strategy matches your expectations. Some funds may have a more aggressive approach, while others may adopt a conservative stance. Choose a fund that aligns with your investment philosophy and risk appetite.

Step 7: Assess Fund Size and Liquidity

Consider the size and liquidity of the mutual fund when making your selection. Larger funds tend to be more stable and may have better access to investment opportunities.

Liquidity is another important aspect to assess. Ensure that the fund has sufficient liquidity to meet redemption requests without impacting its performance or your ability to exit the investment when needed.

You can typically find information about a fund’s AUM and liquidity in the fund’s factsheet or scheme information document.

Step 8: Seek Professional Advice

If you are still unsure or overwhelmed with the selection process, it is advisable to seek professional advice from a certified financial planner or investment advisor. They can provide personalized guidance based on your unique financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance.

They can also assist in portfolio monitoring and periodic reviews to ensure that your investments stay aligned with your goals.

Remember, while seeking professional advice is beneficial, it’s essential to stay involved in the decision-making process and understand the rationale behind the recommendations.

Choosing the best mutual funds doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following this step-by-step guide, you can simplify the process and make informed investment decisions.

And if you’d like to start your mutual fund investing journey today without investing too much of your time, money or effort – you’ve always got Deciml 🙂


  1. How to choose mutual funds?

When choosing mutual funds, consider factors such as your investment goals, risk tolerance, investment horizon, fund performance, expenses, fund manager expertise, fund composition, size, and liquidity.

  1. Should I prioritize past performance when selecting a mutual fund?

While past performance can provide insights, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t guarantee future results. Consider a fund’s performance along with other factors like consistency and alignment with your investment goals.

  1. How do I assess my risk tolerance for mutual fund investments? 

Assess your risk tolerance by considering factors such as your age, financial situation, investment knowledge, and investment goals. Determine how comfortable you are with market fluctuations and volatility.

  1. What is an expense ratio, and why is it important?

An expense ratio is the percentage of a fund’s assets that go towards managing the fund. A lower expense ratio means more of your investment goes towards generating returns. It’s important to consider expenses when aiming to optimize your investment returns.

  1. Is diversification important when selecting mutual funds? 

Yes, diversification helps average out the risk factor. Look for funds that invest across different sectors and asset classes. A well-diversified portfolio can help minimize the impact of poor performance in specific areas.

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